A couple of weeks ago, I headed out to Colorado to help the Dirty Girls Rally Team (Brianne Corn and Christy Carlson) take on Pikes Peak at the 2011 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb. The PPIHC is famous world wide as one of the most difficult and dangerous motorsports events. I now understand why it is considered as such.
Christy Carlson and co-driver Adam Kniepp in their #298 2002 Subaru Impreza WRX at 2011 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb
Not only is there the danger of going off the road and falling many many feet, there is the difficulty of preparing a car to survive the stress and strain that only Pikes Peak could put on a car. Elevation, altitude, tarmac, and gravel are just a few of the things you have to prepare for.
Then there are the practice sessions, oh the practice sessions. Up at 2:30 AM to wake up, make it up the mountain to the staging area and have the car prepared for a 5 AM start, 3 days in a row. Practice goes from 5 AM to 9:30 or so, talk about tired. You hope to get some kind of nap during the day, but since you are almost guaranteed to have to make some kind of adjustments to the car (or even more involved repairs) the chance for naps don’t really come and 11 PM comes really quickly. I can only imagine how the drivers feel trying to concentrate with their lives at stake, driving as fast as they can, exhausted from the week of practice and preparation. I now understand, completely understand why it is considered one of the most difficult races in the world. That week was hard, maybe the hardest mentally/physically weeks of my life and I was just crewing.
Brianne Corn and co-driver Jeremy Rowland in their 2005 Subaru STi at the 2011 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb
There is an understanding and respect among all the competitors and even the fans and people that live in and around the event for anyone who even attempts to take on the mountain and deservedly so. There is a willingness to help out as much as possible, something I have never seen before from a community. It was truly an experience I will never forget.
Monster Tajima proved he was "King of the Mountain" by setting the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb world record coming in under 10 minutes in his GoPro Suzuki SX4
And even though there were many stories of triumph, Nobuhiro “Monster” Tajima setting the world record and breaking the 10 minute mark in the GoPro sponsored Suzuki, Rod Millen setting a new Time Attack record in his highly modified Red Bull sponsored Hyundai Genesis, Brianne Corn becoming the first woman since Michelle Mouton to win her respective class and the list goes on, my story is filled with heartbreak and disappointment. As Christy Carlson and Adam Kniepp passed Devil’s Playground and headed to “Bottomless Pit”, just 2 minutes from the finish line, the 2002 Subaru WRX had had enough… It overheated and they were forced to pull off the road. But they were determined to make it to the top. So, Christy and Adam hiked the last 2 miles up sheer rock cliffs to the peak. Christy arrived just in time to hug and congratulate her teammate Brianne who had just won their class. All of the disappointment melted away for a few moments as they celebrated her victory. “I can’t remember a time in my life when I’ve been so happy for someone else and their accomplishments,” said Christy.
They will be back, of this I am sure. The mountain is alluring and the challenge calls them back.
Follow Christy and Brianne on Facebook. For further information or sponsorship information please email Christy at christy@dirtygirlsrally.com or Brianne at brianne@dirtygirlsrally.com.
Photos from each days practice session and the race are in the 2011 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb Photo Gallery.