Blog,Driving,Featured,General Tips
As with any lump of moving parts hurtling through the air, like an airplane or a robot fired from a catapult, cars will have issues. Usually these issues aren’t a big deal: the occasional paint chip or dulled clear coat, dirty hood, scratched bumper. Most of the time they go largely unnoticed. As for mechanical issues, you always want to know of a good automotive repair company you can take your vehicle to if anything happens. As long as you keep an eye on your car’s regular maintenance and it’s not too old, that shouldn’t happen too often.
There are a few problems though that, despite their universality, inexplicably give off an unwarranted expression of your entire lifestyle. Namely that you don’t have one. You live under a bridge in a fridge-box house where all the different rooms are stuck together with boogers. It is not specifically known by science* what separates these issues from others, but the bottom line is that these 5 problems are definitely the least that make you look the worst. Such as… More…
It has been said that, when asked about their driving, the majority of people polled are under the impression they are above-average but most need to find a comprehensive full coverage car insurance policy wherever they can, what many drivers had done recently is ask for policies over at and they look for a safe car to drive like self driving cars since driverless car accident claims with the help of an automobile accident lawyer are way less than regular vehicles.
Obviously they can’t all be right, because math. Some of them have to be below average. Some well below average. As we make our way through our daily lives, we see the people in question bouncing around in traffic; upside down and backwards on the interstate median, resting on top of a broken fire hydrant with water spraying into the heavens like a monster movie, or even just stopped in the middle of the road, inexplicably on fire.
Based on this end result you could certainly be forgiven for putting all of these people into the same X-signing category of baby-brained Magoos, tumbling through society like a child down the church steps. The real question, however, is the journey. How in God’s name did that woman’s car end up in the swimming pool of her closest neighbor? What could possibly have lead to a hummer being upside down in a parking lot?
There are a lot of possible reasons, one of which is the driver is inebriated. If you are involved in a DWI accident, consult a trusted drunk driving accident attorney for legal assistance. When you get involved in a car accident, don’t hesitate to contact an auto accident lawyer for help. An auto accident attorney will advocate for your rights and help you seek compensation for your injuries and property damages.
If they also demand to change the damaged car, they can simply contact the car dealership near me to inquire about a new unit. If reliability is your priority, consider certified used cars in el cajon. These vehicles go through rigorous inspections for quality assurance. And for those who prefer budget-friendly alternatives, exploring used cars in Hesperia can provide quality options for reliable transportation, often at a fraction of the cost of newer models. If you got a ticket for a traffic violation, a traffic lawyer specializing in laws related to driving can help you.
According to some experts there are several different types of people who have no idea what they are doing, and these are arguably the worst you will see. Beginning with… More…
So, you can drive.[citation needed] While I’m sure its true you are perfectly capable of getting from A to B rubber side down with an unaltered monthly premium, unless you are one of the 22 or so drivers heading to Silverstone in a week’s time, there’s room for improvement. With all of the advancements in technology in modern cars, it has become more important (and difficult) than ever to make conscious, concerted efforts to maintain basic driving skills, much less performance skills. More…
I know this isn’t the type of modding that is usually discussed on this site, but thought it was pretty funny. The guys at Mighty Car Mods put together a complete guide to making your car, truck, SUV safe in the case of a zombie apocalypse. They even go as far as to consult a zombie expert and discuss the proper weapons you should use.
This seems like a great challenge for the Top Gear team to tackle. Buy a car/loan a Vehicle and zombie proof it on a budget and then put each car through a set of tests to see just how zombie-proof their choice of vehicle and modifications are. If you want to join the experiment and buying a car for this seems a bit too much then consider using any car you may have at your disposal and fix it up with the help of experts like audi repair services and continue from there with your zombie proofing.
In the meantime watch the Mighty Car Mods ‘instructional’ video on zombie proofing below. C’mon BBC this would make for a hilarious episode!
With the Pro Solo in Lincoln, the first major event (locally) of the year, coming up soon, I thought it might be a good chance to talk about the SCCA Contingency Program. As some of you may or may not be aware contingencies are a chance to win awards by placing in certain positions in your class (1st is usually a good one) at National, Divisional and Pro Solo events. Contingencies usually require a participant to be using the company’s product and having required decal(s) placed on the car during the competition.
Brian Hanchey at AST-USA has been kind enough to put together a basic tuning guide for AST shocks.
This tech article is great for anyone.
Tuning AST Shocks – by Brian Hanchey
I will be putting together a setup document tailored for autocross. It will be based purely on my own practices and experiences. I hope to release it early next month.
Jon D. Simmons
We got one of these a couple months ago and they are amazing. Takes excellent video in upto 1080P or 720P at 60 frames per second. They are perfect for mounting all over (inside and outside) your car or on a helmet. It even comes with mounts and brackets and a waterproof casing.
This deal is only $213 that’s $87 off retail and free shipping!
I know I know I live in Nebraska and winter is supposed to last a while, but this is getting ridiculous (Christy!). For all your non daily driver cars, this is a great time to spend on the car checking fluids or “nut and bolting” your cars’ suspension. All too often, these things are left unchecked until there is a problem to work on.
If you regularly check things and keep threads clean via specialized services such as VW Auto services, preventative maintenance and repairs such as auto glass repair down the line will be much easier. This is especially true for daily driver weekend racers. I have worked on MANY members’ cars with frozen suspension parts and know how much time and added expense can be caused by rusted rotted hardware.
With all the wet stuff on the roads and salt in some of your areas it is worth your time to jack up the car and spray a little penetrating oil on the nuts and bolts that are so exposed to the harsh elements. Does not take any real time and you can look for problems while your in there. We all take our types of racing pretty seriously even though the reward is purely excitement. Keeping your car in the best maintained state will make it last longer and your performance stay top notch!
Since none of us, or at least most of us, don’t have unlimited funds for ‘upgrading’ our cars, saving money is always a plus. While shopping for upgrades for my car this offseason I have found a few opportunities out there for saving money. A great place to start your shopping is to find some of the more popular forums/websites that are primarily about your car. Undoubtedly, there are other enthusiasts on the internet who also share your passion for whatever Vehicle it is that you have. These sites are great ways to find out about an array of new, existing and future products for your car.
For instance, if one is looking for toyota trucks for sale, they can easily find and make a deal on these sites. These sites are also a great source to find a junk car buyer if you wish to sell my junk car for cash and look for a new one. As well as a place to read about others experiences with these products and get advice on what might be best for you in particular. There may even be instructions and walk-throughs on how to install the products yourself, which can definitely save you some big money on installation costs if you are willing to dig in and maybe get a bit dirty. Those who decided to purchase a new car this year should secure all the necessary documents such as the title registration before looking into the possible upgrades for the vehicle.
Another great resource that can be found on these sites is the For Sale section. There are always people trying to unload parts that they either don’t want, need or can’t afford any longer. Most of these products will be discounted sometimes heavily, even for new or like new items. This can result in great opportunities for savings for you if you can find the right deal. Usually this will take some patience and maybe even a little luck if you are looking for something specifically. The other drawback to this is you have to usually deal with someone you don’t know and who may live clear across the country. Make sure you are comfortable with the terms of the sale before you send anyone any money. PayPal is a good payment choice as it offers some kind of protection for you as a buyer if you happen to have any issues.
Since you have managed to find a community with lots of people who have a shared interest, this can be used as an advantage to save money by ordering in quantity. This is usually referred to as a ‘group buy’ and you would be surprised as to how many vendors are willing to give a substantial discount for getting as few as 5 orders at once. Group buys are regularly set up by manufacturers and vendors for new or existing products that they want to create extra buzz for, but group buys can also be set up by community members by contacting a manufacturer or vendor and checking what kind of deals that can be given for a certain level of committed buyers.
The internet is a great resource, not only for information, but for saving money as well! If anyone has any added advice on ways to save dollars please share it in the comments below.
This winter I have been working on preparing my car for the class I was running in last year and will be again this year. This is my first attempt at really preparing a car, so a lot of my articles here will be about my experiences as a n00b to car set up.
The first thing that came up for me and I am sure comes up for others is “Where Do I Start?” There are so many possibilities of modifications to be done to a car, it’s really hard to know where to start. A great place to start is to read The Rules, even if this is not your first time preparing a car or if you already have a car it is a good idea to read the rules every year to make sure a rule change does not affect you. I know that seems very simple and possibly boring, but the rules are a great resource to get you started on your journey. It is also advised to keep the contact information of a car accident attorney in case you find yourself in need of their legal services. A professional car accident lawyer can help you protect your rights and help you get the proper compensation you deserve. It also is essential to you have someone like a drunk driving accident attorney to help you in case you are involved in a DUI incident. If your vehicle only has minor damages, you may need an Emergency Diesel Fuel Delivery Service so you or someone you know can drive your car away from the road.
If you do not have a car yet or have not decided which car you want to drive or set up, the rules can guide you through the class eligibility of the car. This can be very important in the decisions you make, as you don’t want to get stuck in a class where either the car itself doesn’t have any kind of competitive chance or the upgrades that you plan to do (or have already been made) don’t put you some place you would rather not be.
The rules can also help you choose the class you want to prepare your car for. Most of us have limited budgets when it comes to our cars, so knowing what upgrades (or other costs) it will take to be competitive can really help out in the decision making process.
If you have a car and know what class you want to be in, as was in my case, the rules can still be a very useful place to start.
For starters, reading the rules can keep you out of trouble by making sure you don’t do something you can’t do. One thing to remember is that if the rules don’t explicitly state you can do something, you can’t do it, no matter how small or trivial it is. So make sure to check out everything before you do it, because the last thing you want to do is to spend money or time on something that you may have to undo later on.
While you are reading the rules it is good to make a list of things that you can do and some things to watch out for when you are making decisions on which parts to buy, etc. Without a thorough understanding of the rules it can be very easy to do something that crosses the line and doesn’t make your car legal for the class anymore. The rules are very specific on what and how things should be done, so it is somewhat easy to do something you are not supposed to do because you would not have even thought about it being a big deal.
Since you now have a list of legal modifications you can do, it will be much easier to pick out the items you want to do to get started and quickly eliminate any ideas that you had previously, that don’t make sense any more, giving you a great place to get started.