
European Agreement on Au Pair Placement

11 Aug , 2022   David  

The European Agreement on Au Pair Placement: Everything You Need to Know

If you`re considering hiring an au pair from another European country, it`s important to understand the regulations set forth by the European Agreement on Au Pair Placement. This agreement, established in 1969, aims to protect the rights of both au pairs and host families, while promoting cultural exchange and language learning.

Here are the key points of the agreement:

Definition of an Au Pair

According to the agreement, an au pair is a young person aged between 18 and 30, who goes to another country to live with a host family for a defined period of time (usually 6 to 12 months) in order to learn the language and culture of the country. The au pair provides childcare and light household duties in exchange for board, lodging, and pocket money.

Terms of Placement

The agreement sets out the terms of placement, which include:

– A maximum of 30 hours of work per week (including babysitting) and at least one day off per week.

– A minimum of two weeks of paid vacation for a six-month placement, and one additional week for every three months of placement thereafter.

– A minimum of one language course per week, paid for by the host family.

– Clear communication between the host family and the au pair regarding expectations, duties, and schedule.

Rights and Obligations of the Host Family

The host family has the following rights and obligations:

– To provide the au pair with a private room and board.

– To pay the au pair a weekly pocket money (determined by the national regulations of the host country).

– To provide the au pair with health insurance.

– To respect the au pair`s cultural and religious identity, and to allow them to attend language courses and social events.

– To provide the au pair with a written contract, detailing the terms of placement.

Rights and Obligations of the Au Pair

The au pair has the following rights and obligations:

– To provide childcare and light household duties, as agreed upon with the host family.

– To attend language courses and social events, as agreed upon with the host family.

– To receive a weekly pocket money, as stated in the contract.

– To respect the culture and customs of the host country and host family.

– To have clear communication with the host family regarding expectations, duties, and schedule.


By following the regulations set forth by the European Agreement on Au Pair Placement, both host families and au pairs can have a positive and enriching experience. It`s important to remember that the agreement is not only a legal framework, but also a cultural exchange program. Host families and au pairs have the opportunity to learn from each other, and to create lasting connections across borders.

